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  • a.Ves

Well-intentioned academic fascisms (/hazing, poetic reflection)

(translation_ Rui Lopes)

My suffering and the tears that finally came are for (not) consenting

If it happened again I wouldn't hide

You don't want to hide me away

I won't hide again

A game is not a game if one doesn't agree on the rules.

The good intentions are not excuses to perpetuate ideas of superiority and inferiority.

The good intentions are not excuses to perpetuate ideas of authority and obedience.

I don't become a group,

I would never become a class

in a play - I would never become a well intentioned collective humiliation

I don't intend to wear power

I don't intend to wear power

I don't intend to wear power

And this is how we dance the european waltz.

And so everyone dresses black and represents the police.

And so everyone dresses black and is rude and strong.

And so perpetuates and embodies

Thus I say: yes, I don´t practise neither will I


neither will I.

A sincere thanks for the worrying but I lost my peers in the trip

I would prefer that you look for them

I would prefer more and better

And so, if you please or if you don't, think well in what is hidden behind the most “harmless” inheritances

And never believe for another person who doesn't want to believe together, with you.

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oUSADIA (ou prece das ossadas futuras)

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